Thursday, July 2, 2015

Cross Browser Testing

5 Cross Browser Testing Tools to ease Browser Compatibility Issues

5 Cross Browser Testing Tools  to ease Browser Compatibility Issues Cross browser testing is a major challenge for software testers. There is an endless combination of various legacy and modern browsers for software testers to test applications and websites to iron out compatibility issues.
An ideal mobile or web application runs uniformly on a combination of various browsers, versions, devices and OS. To make your task easier we have listed five cross browser testing tools to help ease browser compatibility issues.
Browserstack is a popular cross browser testing tool that uses virtualization on the cloud infrastructure to give you access to the testing platform and requires no installation. Browserstack allows websites to be tested through online JavaScript or Selenium automated test suites. It supports testing across 700+ browsers and is equipped with user-friendly features such as screenshots, local testing, responsive design testing, API’s, etc. allows live testing of the website across different browsers and operating systems. To use it, you need to login to the Cross Browser Testing platform, select the operating system, browser and start testing your website for HTML forms, AJAX, JavaScript and Flash. There is an automated layout comparison feature that allows you to test your website on a “base” browser and get a summary of differences along with screenshots of bugs and layout issue. Websites can also be tested in the local development phase.
Browserling is a cross-browser testing tools built on StackVM and powered with JavaScript and Canvas. It supports interactive browser testing without asking for installation of Applets or Flash. You just need to enter your URL and wait to see how your website looks across different browsers. It allows you to change screen resolutions, and supports more than 80+ browser combinations. Comprehensive testing facilities are available on payment.
Browsera is an automated browser compatibility testing tool that runs on a cloud infrastructure and requires no installation. It identifies cross-browser layout problems and reports JavaScript errors. It allows you to test the entire website instead of single website pages along with links and dynamic content such as DHTML and AJAX. You will be alerted about cross-browser compatibility issues immediately.
Browsershots is a free open-source testing application that allows you to test your website browser compatibility at one place. This testing platform is easy to use. You need to enter your website URL and select the browser setup. You can select from various presets such as JavaScript, screen size, color depth, Flash and Java. You will receive screenshots which can be bookmarked for later review.
The above are a few of the popular cross-browser testing tools used by software testers that allow them to perform cross-compatibility testing to their fullest extent permissible.
However, if you expect a comprehensive cross-browser testing to be conducted in a systematic way, check out Gallop’s cross browser testing services.
Gallop has developed a compatibility test accelerator that provides an online selenium grid that can be used to test your software on various devices, browsers and operating systems. It requires no installation and can be easily integrated with your existing cloud based system. The tool’s reusable libraries kick-starts automation efforts and its architecture facilitates easier portability of scripts across environments. This helps automate and accelerate browser compatibility testing. The solution is integrated with a leading cloud based solution for executing tests and scripts on combinations of OS/Platforms and Browsers. It currently supports tests to be run on 200+ browsers and platforms.
Join our Co-webinar with Xamarin on 7th May 2015 to know more about Mobile application testing in Agile environment. Register here.
The opinions expressed in this blog are author's and don't necessarily represent Gallop's positions, strategies or opinions.

A Quick Guide to Cross-Browser Functional Testing

A Quick Guide to Cross-Browser Functional Testing Quality control is an essential part of any web development process, and cross-browser testing is an integral part.
Cross-browser testing refers to automated and manual testing of a website, or web-based/mobile-based applications across multiple browsers. The main aim of this kind of testing is to ensure that the application or website looks and performs in a similar manner across various browsers and platforms. The website or application should be consistent with the existing version of the browser along with OS compatibility.
Importance of Cross-Browser Testing in Any Website or Application Development
The website may look different across browsers and you can never be sure of the browser your customers may use. Most of the people who visit the website may not be aware of browser compatibility issues and they may leave the website thinking that it is not working. Although you may follow standards and build a professional looking website that works across different browsers with slight variations.
A small visual error or a text box that does not allow the user to enter info, may spell doom for your business. Hence the need to test your application or website.

Popular Types of Cross-Browser Functional Testing

Standard Multi-Browser Testing
This is the most common type of testing done to check that the Application Under Test (AUT) looks consistent across various browsers such as IE, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. This type of test can be conducted on one computer by individually opening each browser one after other. The same test script is used over different browsers to check the compatibility. It is assumed that only one person is testing at the time.
Multi Version Testing
In this type of testing, AUT is tested across more than one version of the browser, such as Mozilla Firefox 10 onwards or IE 9, IE 10. A single tester is active during the testing. The same test script is used for testing across various browsers. The tests are conducted across multiple computers because most browsers do not support different versions on the same computer.
Concurrent Testing
This type of testing confirms that the AUT is simultaneously checked across a couple of browsers at the same time. The same tester or multiple testers may be operating those browsers depending on the requirements of testing. There are many variations of this kind of testing such as – Single-Browser Concurrent Testing, Single-Browser Distributed Concurrent Testing, Multi-Browser Concurrent Testing, and Multi-Browser Distributed Testing.
Browser inconsistencies are the most difficult part of the Quality Check and to deal with them, you should understand the basic problems. Browser compatibility testing can be done manually over multiple machines, multiple browsers, multiple OSs, but it may still lead to several problems and may require larger investments and multiple challenges.

Cross-Browser Functional Testing from Gallop

Although there are lots of tools available in the market, they may not offer the comprehensive cross-browser testing that your application or website needs. This is where you can utilize the services of cross-browser testing services from Gallop.
Gallop’s cross-browser test accelerator scripts work on write-once, run-multiple concept. This allows the same automation script to be used for testing on multiple combinations of browsers, devices, and operating systems. The tool provides reusable libraries to kick-start automation efforts, and its architecture facilitates easier portability of scripts across environments. The solution is integrated with a leading cloud-based solution for executing tests and scripts on combinations of OS/Platforms and Browsers. The tool supports tests to be run on 200+ browsers and platforms. Pre-register for our upcoming webinar on Mobile App Testing to learn more.

Test Automation

Geb is a Web automation framework using Groovy. It is basically a wrapper over Selenium and provides lots of functionalities making the job of test automation easy and quicker. In this post we talk about Geb & Spock (Groovy) automation framework based on our deep experience in implementing test automation solutions across technologies. Needless to say, GEB helps jumpstart test automation with all the cutting edge automation features ready.
By using GEB & SPOCK framework since the beginning, one can definitely gain advantage over typical Selenium Webdriver Frameworks implemented in Java. There are a few major issues with Selenium WebDriver which results in test architects using Groovy automation framework over it. Below are few suggestions to be kept in mind before using Java for Test Automation:
  1. Java is verbose, sophisticated and language heavy. It can be arguably said that it might be an overkill to use Java for test automation.
  2. But Java is Powerful: On the other hand, Java is extremely robust and powerful with tons of features like OOPS, which cannot be used/ implemented holistically in the scripting languages.
  3. Unmatched Open Source Support: Java being one of the most popular web languages, has virtually unlimited support for third party open source tools/utilities and APIs which may remain unused if we step away from Java.
It’s a catch 22. We want to leave Java being an overkill for test automation, but at the same time we want to keep using it because it is full of features and comes with an unmatched open source support. So is there a way, we can use Java without actually using Java?
Answer is Yes, Groovy. Groovy offers:
  • An agile and dynamic language for the Java Virtual Machine
  • Modern programming features available to java developers with low learning curve
  • Ability to statically type check and statically compile your code for robustness and performance
  • Ability to Share base syntax, type system, packages hierarchy with Java
  • Gradle build file ( a groovy script )

GEB Automation Framework:


Geb is a Web automation framework using Groovy. Geb uses WebDriver to test web applications using either real browsers or the HtmlUnit library. What sets Geb apart from the competition is the jQuery-like syntax for querying your HTML pages and its built-in support for the Page Object pattern.
GEB does all the heavy lifting under the hood, eases and improves the productivity of an automation developer manifold.
Few Highlights of Geb:
  • Power of WebDriver
  • Elegance of jQuery Selection
  • Robustness of Page Object Modelling
  • Expressiveness of Groovy
A typical GEB automation script:

The simple,elegant & intuitive scripting as above, makes test automation really easy, fast and effective. This further makes test automation maintenance simpler to update as required with minimal technical complexity, which is really an aid as the test automation grows in terms of size and complexity over the period of time.

SPOCK: Groovy Unit Testing Frameworkimage:

The combination of Groovy and GEB is really simple and elegant but the real power comes when it is combined with SPOCK which is a Groovy Unit testing framework (inspired from Junit) which adds lots of much required features in the test automation. Spock is an out of the box framework which works well without compromising the overall simplicity and design of Groovy and GEB framework. There are a couple of strong features which come from SPOCK but it is not a comprehensive list mentioned below:
  1. Data Driven Testing utilising external data sources including text, CSV, excel & databases
  2. Comprehensive Extensible Multi-level status reporting in HTML,XML and plain text formats
  3. Detailed Logs and stack traces for quick root cause analysis in Debugging
  4. Power Assertions
  5. Screenshot Capturing & Screen scraping for capturing DOM structures for later analysis

Selenium Webdriverimage:

Under the hood, GEB uses powerful Selenium WebDriver APIs which does not need any introduction in the test automation world. In fact, it has become the de facto standard across industry. GEB uses all the power inherited in the Selenium WebDriver API without exposing the complexity to the end User.

cross-browser-iconCross Browser Support

The framework has been designed to specially encounter the most pressing problem in test automation-Cross browser Support. It supports execution on all the standard prevailing browsers, including IE, Firefox, Chrome and more. It also supports headless browser execution for quick turnaround for building verifications and smoke test suites.

Seamless Integration with CI(Jenkins)image:

It has been designed to support CI execution, which has been tested and proven with large scale test automation with Jenkins, which is the standard CI tool for the industry.In the same way it can be integrated with other CI tools as it supports extensively multiple build tools including Maven & Gradle which helps to provide plug and play solutions for most CI test environments.

Cloud Based Test Execution with BrowserStack & Sauce Labs

browserStaks-logoIt has been completely integrated with BrowserStack, which can be utilized over the air for a quick build verificationsimage:
sauce-labs-logo or large automation suite in any desired environment having support for Cross Platform and across browsers including Windows, MAC, and Linux with IE, Firefox and Chrome browsers.


Apache Maven is an effective software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the conc
maven-logoept of an overall project object model (POM), it can be used to  manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information.


Gradle is a project automation tool that builds upon the concepts of Apache Ant and Apache Maven and introduces a Groovy-based domain-
gradle-logospecific language (DSL) instead of the more traditional XML form of declaring the project configuration. Gradle takes the build automation capability to the next level from the Ant & Maven with the grace and easiness of Groovy. This framework works with Gradle completely and can be integrated with a variety of tools further, using Gradle seamlessly and quickly. Synergy which comes with the integration of all these tools & components, significantly helps to jump start the test automation in most of the settings right away, which in turn accelerates the overall testing process, as observed in a number of our diverse project’s environments in Gallop.
Gallop’s Framework supports complete automation building, dependency management and project creation using all the above mentioned tools which can also be utilized for smooth CI as well as local execution setups across multiple systems.
Gallop’s custom test automation framework integrated with leading tools and reusable libraries makes it easy to kick start the automation efforts.

The opinions expressed in this blog are author's and don't necessarily represent Gallop's positions, strategies or opinions.

Top 5 Reasons to Automate Functional Tests Using Selenium

Top 5 Reasons to Automate Functional Tests Using Selenium During the course of software development, a number of tests have to be conducted to assess the functionality, user experience and other aspects of the software. Manual tests can be time-consuming and expensive in terms of man hours and expenses. This is where automated testing can help. Along with the inherent advantages of automated testing, Selenium has certain distinct advantages that give it an edge over the competition.

Platform Portability

Testing is a repetitive process. The slightest modification in code must be tested to ensure that the software is providing the desired functionality and result. Repeating tests manually is a time consuming and costly process. Automated tests can be run repetitively at no additional costs. Selenium is a highly portable tool that runs on multiple platforms as well as browsers. It therefore allows automation engineers the ease of writing code without worrying about the platform on which it will run.

Language Support

Software is written in a number of languages. One of the challenges faced by automated testers is integrating the automation tools with the development environment for CI. With Selenium bindings for Java, .NET, Ruby, Perl, Python, PHP, Groovy and JavaScript, it is very easy to integrate with the development environment.

Remote Control/Selenium Grid

The remote control server of Selenium allows automation testers to create a test infrastructure that is spread across multiple locations (including cloud) to drive the scripts on a large set of browsers.


Programmers often prefer to keep the testing self-contained within the program itself. These tests can be regrouped and refactored as desired. This in turn allows quick changes to code, reducing duplication and improving maintainability. The flexibility of Selenium allows programmers to manage tests better.

Open Source Advantage

Being an open source software, Selenium allows users to share, extend, and modify the available code. This can save programmers a great deal of time and effort and ultimately increase ROI. Using custom functions allows for better readability and manageability of test code.
What has been your experience using/evaluating Selenium? Do you need help evaluating Selenium? Reach out to Gallop, an Aluminium Level Sponsor, for your Selenium testing and evaluation needs.

The opinions expressed in this blog are author's and don't necessarily represent Gallop's positions, strategies or opinions.

5 Things to Examine Before Choosing Automated ERP Test Tools

5 Things to Examine Before Choosing Automated ERP Test Tools Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the most precious investments for any business, since it plays an important role in the success of an organization. From integrating core business processes to streamlining communications, business transactions, strengthening customer relationships to effective database management, ERP contributes in almost all facets of business. With growing competition and burgeoning data requirements, businesses are adopting more flexible and hybrid ERP solutions that allow them to follow the current technology as well as streamline their business processes for higher productivity.
Today, businesses customize their ERP software regularly to meet changing business and technology requirements. This is why they are taking ERP testing seriously than before. They know it will help them to maximize the output from the ERP software and run the business smoothly. Although there are many automated ERP testing suites available in the market, here are 5 key things to consider before choosing the right test tools for your Cloud, SAP or Oracle based ERP systems.
Scope of Testing Suite and Compatibility with The Current ERP Package
Businesses have different requirements and expectations from an ERP suite. Also, their requirements keep on changing according to the changing market scenario, so they need to consider the scope of testing offered by the test tools. They need to understand if the testing tools offer them testing across the changing features of the ERP suite while being flexible enough to mitigate the operational risks of their current application. The important thing is the test tools should be compatible with their current ERP suite.
Testing Appropriateness of Data
Although all businesses work with the same goal of excelling in their niche, they all differ in their approach. As mentioned before, an ERP application integrates various data points within the organization that are directed toward maximizing productivity and improving business revenues. The test tools should provide a high level of test data management capabilities for the automated test suites to cover the breadth of the different data requirements.
Detailed Analysis and Diagnoses of Performance Bottlenecks
Automated testing helps businesses to minimize their time on manual testing and make the application error-free and highly productive. The automated testing suite under consideration should be able to deliver detailed analysis and diagnosis of performance bottlenecks. This will help ERP architects to reset their performance parameters and mitigate the existing issues for better performance.
Good Vendor Support
Along with changing business requirements and technology, the makers of testing tools need to upgrade their product for compatibility. As a result, businesses selecting ERP testing tools need to ensure that they are getting top-notch vendor support to cope with product updates and technological changes to their ERP suite.
Minimizes Workload
Automated testing tools should minimize the workload of subject matter experts in multiple disciplines within the business organization. In short, this system should allow subject matter experts to concentrate on more important areas of application management rather than concentrating on eliminating bugs in the existing application.
Gallop ERP accelerator is compatible with most ERP systems in the market. It doesn’t matter whether your business has adopted Oracle, SAP, or other hybrid ERP system, Gallop’s ERP accelerator can help in automating your ERP testing in a regressive end-to-end fashion. Gallop ERP test accelerator includes automated testing framework that supports most commercial tools, ready to use business processes, and over 1300 automated and manual test cases.

The opinions expressed in this blog are author's and don't necessarily represent Gallop's positions, strategies or opinions.

4 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails

4 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails Automated testing tools are expected to make things faster and easier for IT companies. There is a common belief that automated testing will contribute to the software quality and make things easier for the programmers. However, the reality is that 64% of the time, automated testing or pre-scripted tests fail to deliver as per the expectations, and the business goes back to manual testing.
A good understanding of the challenges, expectations and underlying concepts will help your business to maximize benefits of test automation tools. Here are the main reasons why your test automation may fail to deliver.
1. Unrealistic Expectations
Whenever a tool or a product fails to perform as per the expectations, it is quite obvious that we blame the tool. However, we need to check if our expectations of the tool has been correct/accurate. Here are some typical unrealistic expectations heaped on automated testing tools –
  • Now that we have invested in this tool, we will get immediate ROI.
  • We have purchased a leading pre-scripted testing tool that will do everything at the click of a button
  • With this software, we can automate the entire process.
It is very important to understand that implementing an automated testing tool is another software project and it requires lots of planning, thoughts and experimentations to make it work across various testing environments.
You cannot run automated scripts without the knowledge of software coding, so it is extremely important to allow your team to master and perfect their coding skills before using these scripts.
2. “One size fits all” mindset
Another major reason for test automation failure is a prejudice that one condition suits all. Test automation is not a “one size fits all” operation and it should be updated to address changing parameters. Eye for detail and patience are two traits required for making testing automation work as per your expectations, and it requires continuous improvement.
3. No understanding of manual testing process
Automated testing is perceived as a magic bullet that will function even if you don’t have an understanding of manual testing. It is important to know that automatic testing is actually a continuous extension of manual testing. If you don’t how the tool will fit in the grand scheme of testing, you cannot automate the testing, believes Mike Kelly – a leading software expert with a Fortune 100 company.
4. Automated Testing is Easy and Doesn’t Requires Inputs
The key misconception about the automated testing is that it is extremely easy and doesn’t require any inputs. You cannot simply automate an existing test process, instead you have to rethink and reconsider the whole approach. Which tests should be manually tested? Which tests should be automated? This differentiation will definitely help you to seek benefits from automated testing.
By now you might have understood that it takes proper planning, realistic expectations and a solid commitment to make test automation work. When you require a productive test automation that works for your business, feel free to approach Gallop Solutions. Gallop serves through tailored pre-built test suites and works closely with your teams to understand defects, eliminate redundancies and improve the quality of software.

The opinions expressed in this blog are author's and don't necessarily represent Gallop's positions, strategies or opinions.

4 Script-less Test Automation Myths you should not believe

4 Script-less Test Automation Myths you should not believe What is script-less testing? If your answer is that it is a form of testing that does not involve any code and can be performed by a non-technical person any time, then you definitely need to read this blog.
Script-less testing serves to reduce the time required for creating automated tests by considerably reducing the amount of scripting needed and it is no way a substitute for actual coding of an organizational test automation tool.
As a professional software tester, you should definitely have an understanding of these so called myths that surround script-less testing. Here are the top 4 myths of script-less testing that seems to be floating in cyberspace.
Myth 1: There is no script
Very often test architects try to make automation frameworks as user friendly as possible and as a result, the folks who actually use the tools are never actually exposed to the underlying code. This camouflage combined with careful marketing gimmicks lead people to believe that companies sell script-less automation tools that eliminates coding.
The reality? As far as a complete automation suite is concerned, it needs to grow organically from within your environment by carefully integrating business and operational logic step by step until it gets to a point where no further scripting is needed for people who are using it. You still have to script every new functionality and use case that has to be integrated into the framework.
Myth 2: It’s Record and Playback disguised in a new Avatar
In Record and Playback test automation, the user will have to depend on recorded scripts that were initially created with test data and not with actual live scenario data. Hence their sturdy response in highly dynamic input scenarios is a feature that leaves much to be desired, unlike script-less testing where methods are created to respond to dynamic data.
The reality? Script-less test automation is a more structured and organized model wherein functional users can eventually automate a good majority of test cases thanks to reusable scripts.
Myth 3: Good Bye Automation Architects
The reality? We repeat again, script-less in no way implies the absence of scripting. It is an optimized process of creating a testing framework that allows your testers to develop new test cases with reusable scripts. While you are reading this, automation architects are racking their brains to identify every possible reusable component based on their knowledge and expertise. As business or operational scope expands, need for new components will rise and automation architects are definitely needed to integrate them.
Myth 4: It’s unreliable
The reality? While script-less automation calls for a framework with reduced scripting requirement, it should not be written off as unreliable. Today there are several highly organized tools that offer script-less automation for use in multiple real time test scenarios. The developers of these tools have analyzed numerous business cases, operational scenarios, deployment environments before building reusable components for their tools. They offer a high degree of practical reliability as well.
With the evolution of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and high speed cloud computing, we may in the near future have a taste of script-less testing literally but for now, it is safe to assume that script-less testing is a highly flexible and conventional testing framework with minimal code exposure to users. And if you like to provide your organization’s testing team with a powerful test automation framework that supports script-less methodology, you would certainly want to check out Gallop’s services for the best picks.

The opinions expressed in this blog are author's and don't necessarily represent Gallop's positions, strategies or opinions.

5 Benefits of Cloud-based Software Test Automation Tools

Cloud The worldwide cloud computing market is expected to grow at a 36% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), reaching a market size of $19.5 billion by 2016. Given this rapid growth in cloud computing, can cloud based software test automation tools be far behind?
Cloud based test automation tools bring several benefits over and above those normally delivered by traditional test automation tools. Here are 5 top benefits:
  1. Cost Effective: Total Cost of Ownership in cloud based automation tools is very less compared to traditional test automation tools. Cloud based tools do not involve expensive per seat licensing costs and typically have less hardware requirements. This implies minimal capital expenditure and depreciation costs. Cloud based tools offer high reusability of test components. They are highly scalable which make them ideal for load and performance testing scenarios. Pay as you use offers the advantage of effortlessly scaling up and down the cloud usage as per your testing requirements.
  2. Benefits of Virtualization: Cloud based tools bring in the benefits of virtualization. They enable companies to make optimal use of their resources with the result that testing is more flexible and efficient. As applications become increasingly complex, virtualization brings in the benefit of resource sharing with reduced capital costs.
  3. More collaboration: Cloud based automation tools make it possible for teams spread across different locations to easily collaborate with each other. Testers can easily test from different locations and access test reports from anywhere in the world without the pain of uploading and downloading them.
  4. Testing is quicker: Automation tools, in general, offer advantages of high productivity and shorter test cycles. Cloud based automation tools bring the additional advantages of quick set up and tool deployment. Unlike traditional tools, they do not involve a lengthy set up and installation process. Testing can begin almost immediately from anywhere in the world. Software upgrades are seamless with minimal or no downtime. Faster testing reduces the time to market which gives companies a big competitive advantage.
  5. Reduced IT management effort: Cloud based tools cut down a lot of the IT management tasks inherent to traditional tools like installation, licensing, adding/replacing users, simultaneous implementation of upgrades in systems across geographies etc. With less IT management to do, employees can focus on core activities that can make a difference to a company’s business.
Cloud-delivered testing tools are rapidly becoming commonplace in performance and load testing. This provides the full value of pay as you use and much greater scaling capacity than traditional tools. In addition, the use of device clouds for testing applications on devices has driven broader adoption of cloud testing tools and is helping drive greater adoption for functional testing via the cloud.
(Source: Gartner IT Market Clock for Application Development, Sept 6, 2013)
Gallop has a wide range of in-house automation tools and also partners with leading tool vendors to bring you the tools that best fit your testing needs. Know more on Gallop’s Test Automation Services.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Purpose of Test Strategy

Reason number 1: The number one reason of writing a test strategy document is to “have” a signed, sealed, and delivered, FDA (or FAA) approved document, where the document includes a written testing methodology, test plan, and test cases.
Reason number 2: Having a test strategy does satisfy one important step in the software testing process.
Reason number 3: The test strategy document tells us how the software product will be tested.
Reason number 4: The creation of a test strategy document presents an opportunity to review the test plan with the project team.
Reason number 5: The test strategy document describes the roles, responsibilities, and the resources required for the test and schedule constraints.
Reason number 6: When we create a test strategy document, we have to put into writing any testing issues requiring resolution (and usually this means additional negotiation at the project management level).
Reason number 7: The test strategy is decided first, before lower level decisions are made on the test plan, test design, and other testing issues.

Estimating Testing Effort

Time Estimation method for Testing ProcessNote : following method is based on use case driven specification.
Step 1 : count number of use cases (NUC) of system
step 2 : Set Avg Time Test Cases(ATTC) as per test plan
step 3 : Estimate total number of test cases (NTC)Total number of test cases = Number of usecases X Avg testcases per a use case
Step 4 : Set Avg Execution Time (AET) per a test case (idelly 15 min depends on your system)Step 5 : Calculate Total Execution Time (TET)TET = Total number of test cases * AET
Step 6 : Calculate Test Case Creation Time (TCCT)useually we will take 1.5 times of TET as TCCTTCCT = 1.5 * TET
Step 7 : Time for ReTest Case Execution (RTCE) this is for retestinguseually we take 0.5 times of TETRTCE = 0.5 * TET
Step 8 : Set Report generation Time (RGTusually we take 0.2 times of TETRGT = 0.2 * TET
Step 9 : Set Test Environment Setup Time (TEST)it also depends on test plan
Step 10 : Total Estimation time = TET + TCCT+ RTCE + RGT + TEST + some buffer…;)Example
Total No of use cases (NUC) : 227
Average test cases per Use cases(AET) : 10
Estimated Test cases(NTC) : 227 * 10 = 2270
Time estimation execution (TET) : 2270/4 = 567.5 hr
Time for creating testcases (TCCT) : 567.5*4/3 = 756.6 hr
Time for retesting (RTCE) : 567.5/2 = 283.75 hr
Report Generation(RGT) = 100 hr
Test Environment Setup Time(TEST) = 20 hr.——————-
Total Hrs 1727.85 + buffer——————-
here 4 means Number of testcases executed per houri.e 15 min will take for execution of each test case